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Sodelovanje v mednarodnem projektu: “ACE – Act for Consumer Empowerment” s Portugalskimi partnerji

Sodelovanje v mednarodnem projektu: “ACE – Act for Consumer Empowerment” s Portugalskimi partnerji

od Natja Lavrič -
Število odgovorov: 0

Spoštovane kolegice in kolegi!

Posredujemo vabilo za sodelovanje v mednarodnem projektu, ki ga vodijo naši partnerji iz IPB Braganca (Portugal).

Vabljeni k sodelovanju!



Teachers of the IPB group are launching a set of challenging co-creation projects, and we are looking for students from all fields to work with us in making a better future.  

Selected students will work in multidisciplinary teams through a structured 10-week process. In addition to working on a meaningful topic, they will have the opportunity to work alongside like-minded individuals, gain practical experience, and further develop skills like teamwork.

You are invited to participate at: Demola Projects “ACE – Act for Consumer Empowerment” (from 13/03 till 26/05).

Teamwork is online and in English.

Application period ends on the 5th March.


Information about the project topic and application:
